Membership Track

Are you interested in seeing what ROLC is all about and if it’s the right place for you to plug in? Here’s how you can do that:

1. The first step to deciding if ROLC is for you is to attend our VIP Lunch and Learn Orientation. Our Lead and Assistant Pastors will share a special time with you as we get acquainted over lunch! We would like to help you feel comfortable as you learn about the River of Life family! This luncheon is designed to get to know you, clearly explain who we are and what we believe, and what is available for those who are faithful attenders. You will be given material that will cover all of the above.
We invite you to reserve your seat for the next luncheon by calling the church office at (912) 283-8773 or emailing the church secretary at
Note: VIP Lunch and Learn is held quarterly. There is NO OBLIGATION to join the church by attending the class.

2. If you decide you want to continue on your journey at the River, we ask that everyone attend and complete our exclusive 12 week Unshakeable Faith Life Group. These classes are virtual and will be sent to you to watch at your convenience, or you can watch these videos right here on our website. We ask that all new VIPs (no matter how long you've been saved or in church) attend this class so we all are on the same sheet of music.

3. If you decide to allow us to be your family and you want to make a covenant commitment with us by becoming a member, complete the covenant form and spiritual gifts assessment given at the Orientation and make an appointment with our pastors through the church office.

Why this three step process? Because we believe that if you start the foundation right, you will grow right. We are not interested in building an audience - we are building an army of believers that are solid in the Word and full of power. If that is your desire, we are more than ready to help you become all that you can be!

U Faith