Re-Generation Teens

Grades 9-12

We are committed to regenerating a group of world changers like you’ve never seen before! At Regeneration, our vision aligns with the vision of the church body; Real Love, Real Faith, Real Family. Our goal is to raise a group of students to live out 2 Corinthians 5:17; a new life has begun within them and now they are able to take it out into the community, on their social media platforms, in their schools and into their homes. Our hearts are to raise each student to make a radical change within themselves, and in return take that change out into the world! We do this through relevant, intentional creative messages and deep personal connections through discipleship.

 They are taught the key components of, recognizing who they are in Christ, building their firm foundation and growing in their relationship with God. Regeneration is a small group atmosphere where students connect with each other and with their leaders. Each weekly meeting provides a diverse experience. Students will experience group discussions, games, life skills, vibrant worship, and a relatable biblical message they can apply to their everyday life.

Our weekly meet-ups include:
· Life Skills- bringing real life principles to each student and teaching them how to use them in their everyday lives.
· Creative Debate- our biblical discussion group where students can have real conversations about life and current events and explore how to address these situations through the Word.
· Game Night- feeding them the word as well as engaging with them through hilarious, challenging, mind boggling games.
· Fierce Ambitions- where students can express themselves through music, instruments, art, photography, and videography. This group is geared towards everyone no matter their creative experience.

Pastors Michael and Tiffany Altman
**All pastors and workers have been vetted with a thorough background check and have undergone training specific to kids ministry.
**Photos are regularly taken of students during service and activities. If you prefer your children not to be photographed, please notify the leaders and we will make sure that your request is honored.
Biblical Discipleship

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